Manohar has been associated with the Manipal Education & Medical Group (MEMG) for the last 14 years and has taken up the role of CEO at Stempeutics in August 2007. He is responsible for making Stempeutics a leading stem cell company in Asia. He is responsible for developing innovative stem cell products addressing major unmet medical needs with an India first global next approach. His responsibilities include implementing strategies which will shape future business delivery and contribute to the achievement of the Company's objectives both strategic and financial. Under his leadership Stempeutics has crossed various milestones including successful conduct of Phase 2 clinical trials in India and Malaysia, obtaining ATMP & ODD classification in Europe, getting patents from USA, Japan, ANZ and China. Prior to this assignment, Manohar has handled multiple assignments in the MEMG – starting Manipal Infocom a BPO Organization and successfully migrating it to Manipal–Omega Healthcare BPO JV, taking over a startup Distance Education business and growing it to US$ 18M, establishing and propping up the new Education Services business. Prior to Joining Manipal Group, Manohar has had 12 years successful stints at Wipro GE Medical Systems. At GE Medical he has handled multiple senior assignments including Vice President – Customer Service and as Chief Operating Officer of IT Joint Venture - GE Medical Systems Information Technology, at Hyderabad. Manohar has done his B.E. from Regional Engineering College, Trichy and M.E. from Guindy Engineering College, Chennai.