Patents & Certifications
Stempeutics strives towards building a strong IP portfolio and is proactively engaged in extensive research in the area of stem cell technology and its application. As on date Stempeutics has filed 100+ patents covering three products across the globe.
Stempeucel® product has strong patent protection with more than 30 patent applications filed so far. The patent estate includes
- A core process patent,
- A patent on technology for pooling of MSCs
- Usage patents for multiple indications and a process improvement patent

These patents create a strong barrier to entry for the development of alternative pooled allogeneic stem cell products by competitors. The core patent has been filed in 18 countries and has been granted in 16 countries including US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, China and Japan.
Stempeucare bio-cosmetic product novelty is based on the unique process of generating the key ingredient i.e. conditioned medium containing relevant growth factors and cytokines critical for skin and hair health. Conditioned medium is generated from a novel pooling process of the cells which reduces batch to batch variability. From a single cell bank, more than 50 million units of bio-cosmetic products can be produced using this novel technology.